Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have to admit that I am frustrated.
Of course I will work through it. . .
But you may think I am not being productive. And I guess I am spinning my wheels a bit.
I called the Sheraton today to confirm the menu I was given in October and to confirm the prices. Well, I had the pleasure of speaking with Anna Abraham and she sent me a copy of the new dinner 'offerings'. As a well trained chef I would not be content to offer the sames entrees year after year either. So many foods and so little time! Anyway, if we don't offer one entree then by adding a second entree everyone pays an additional three dollars to their entree plus twenty one percent to cover the gratuity and cost of the ballroom.
Wouldn't it be easier for the vegetarians, Dr. Gis and me to simply go to the dining room for the roasted vegetable ravioli and carrying our plates to the ballroom to eat with y'all than to charge one hundred people a total of three hundred dollars to accommodate our personal choice?
It's maddening.
They offered the buffet, but is that a viable option? Dan and I avoid buffets like the norovirus . . . Mirage a good guide goes nuts with the 'crumbs' she finds on the floor.
This I will have to sleep on.
Maybe we just offer beef or vegetarian on the registration form and Dan can bring up a vegetable lasagne and salad for the vegetarians among us.


  1. Hi Dan, Suzy and others,
    I am really looking forward to attending my first RP Social! Not having the experience of previous ones, I will only say that I think that keeping the meal costs and simplicity as simple and low as possible in this economy. I personally am easy and will eat what is put in front of me (except for liver lol).

    For those that don't know me yet, I am 57, have RP and live in a small mountain community in northern California. My guide dog is Galleon, a 9 year old from GDB San Rafael.

  2. Hi Suzy:
    So are you saying that we can only have one entree? That is fine with me, BUT! I do eat beef, but perhaps some do not? If "only one entree" is the case, you would probably be safest going with chicken. We are actually pretty accommadating I believe; I don't even see a problem with going with the veggie ravioli if they won't let the few vegatarians go to the resturant menu! You probably have plenty of time before you have to tell them what entree you want, so perhaps you can wait and then poll the folks who are actually going to go, and see what the majority says. Don't sweat it! Big Hugs, Mickie ; )
