Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Okay, it's not a Rose but it is a hydrangea from the yard next door.
Inviting you to the Pacific Northwest. . .

RP Social in Portland, Or.
July 23-26, 2009

Save this Date!
RP Social
July 23-26, 2009
In beautiful Portland,Oregon
Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel

8235 Northeast Airport Way, Portland, Oregon 97220
800-325-3535 for reservations

Mention RP Social to get our negotiated room rate. We have reserved a block of 40 rooms.

A basic room rate is $109.00, or
$129.00 for a package that includes daily continental breakfast and Happy Hour

Hosted by Dan and Suzy Gustafson
(Mirage Guide Dog Hostess)

Please email us with suggestions on activities
we might include.

Registration fee, including cost of the Saturday night dinner/dance, to be announced.

Here is the link for RP Social attendees to book reservations
(copy and paste the following link into a web browser)

More to come!!!


  1. When is the d eadline to register? Steve was just laid off from work ... so hoping our travel plans don't have to be grounded!

  2. I am good to go! Got my plane tickets, my room booked and my registration in! I am sooo looking forward to seeing everyone again or meeting some for the first time! Mickie ; )
